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"This expansive compendium seeks to correct the stereotypes, false information, and missing history of Indigenous peoples that have defined the origin stories America tells about itself. Cajune, a longtime educator and citizen of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, prioritizes "stories of people and place rather than dates and events, providing a glimpse into the very human side of history."

—— Diego Báez, Booklist


Indigenous History Is American History


Our Way: A Parallel History dispels the myths, stereotypes, and absence of information about American Indian, Native Alaskan, and Native Hawaiian people in the master narrative of US history. For most of American history, stories of the country’s Indigenous Peoples were either ignored or told by outsiders. This book corrects these errors, exploring the ways in which Indigenous cultures from every corner of the nation have influenced American society from the past into the present, reminding the reader that they have both shaped the US and continue to play a vital role in its story. 


Significantly, Our Way: A Parallel History is a collaboration of Native scholars representing more than ten Indigenous nations, sharing their histories and their cultures. Each contributor, either an affiliate of an institution of higher education or a prominent Native leader, provides the reader with an inside account of tribal culture and heritage. The result is a comprehensive resource restoring the histories of Indigenous Peoples and their nations to their rightful place in the story of America.  


As Julie Cajune (Salish) notes in the preface, “I believe this collection of history, story, and reflection provokes and invites us to think and feel deeply about what it means for all of us to be human in our communities, nations, and beyond. After all, that is what a good story does.” 


Check out Julie Cajune talking about OUR WAY — A PARALLEL HISTORY

Our Way — A Parallel History

  • SOCIAL SCIENCE/ Ethnic Studies/American/Native American Studies


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